Recipe ( French only) Hameçon : Mustad, no 2, 79580 Fil de montage : Fil UNI rouge fluorescent( Fire Orange). Queue : Plume de branchu, barré noir et blanc. Corps : UNI-Mylar Holographique argent. Ventre : Queue de chevreuil blanc. Gorge : Fibres duveteuses de saddle rouge. Ailes : Poils de queue de chevreuil jaunes sous les lavandes et les roses sur le dessus. Coiffe : 7 à 8 fibres de queue de paon. Épaules : Plumes de croupion de faisan à collier male, brune avec bordure gris Dun. Tête : Fil UNI rouge fluorescent( Fire Orange). Tied by Jacques Juneau
Recipe : Hook: Partridge CS15 #4 Thread: UNI-Thread 8/0 Black and UNI-Thread 8/0 Fl Orange Tag: UNI-Mylar #12 Gold/Silver (tied on silver side) Body: UNI-Floss Pumpkin Orange Rib: UNI-Mylar #12 Gold/Silver (tied on silver side) Belly: White Bucktail and GP Topping Underwing: 4-6 Peacock Herl and GP Topping Wing: 4 White Rooster Saddle Sides: Silver Pheasant body feather and JC Throat: Red hackle fibres Head: Black with Red band Tied by Hakan Karsnaser
Parure (Anglais seulement) Body And underbody: UNI-Stretch Hot Pink Tail: Whiting Yellow rooster hackle fibers Ribbing: UNI-Mylar tinsel Gold/Silver #12 (Silver side) Wings: Whiting Yellow flanked by two Pink Underwing: Few strands of UNI-Axxel 8 Silver and Fuchsia Throat: Whiting Yellow hackle fibers Eyes: golden pheasant Head: UNI-Thread 8/0 Black Tied by: Petr Haisman
Parure (Anglais seulement) Underbody: UNI-Stretch White Body: UNI-Yarn Red Tail: Whiting Yellow hackle fibers Ribbing: UNI-Mylar tinsel Gold/Silver #12 (Gold side) Wings: Whiting rooster saddle Yellow hackles Belly: White bucktail Eyes: Jungle cock Head: UNI-Thread 8/0 Black with Red center band Tied by: Petr Haisman