HOOK: Partridge CS16 G Or
TUBE: Brass bottle with 1,8mm plastic inner tube
THREAD: UNI-Thread 8/0 Black, White or Green
HEAD: Black marker for the thread, clear varnish
TAIL: Buck tail Hot Red, Fluo Yellow, Chartreuse, Green 2 strands of green Crystal Flash
TAG: UNI-Soft Wire Medium Gold
RIBB: UNI-Soft Wire Medium Gold
BODY: UNI-Floss Chartreuse & UNI-Yarn Fluorescent Green Higlander
WING: Orange golden pheasant tippet & Green silver tip squirrel
HACKLE: Fluo Yellow and Highlander Green Chinese hen hackle
SIDES: Natural or Orange dyed Jungle Cock (Farmed)
Tied by Tommy Simonsen