Hook:Partridge, 15BNX, Kinkhammer extreme size 20
Thread: UNI-Thread 6/0 Olive or Camel
Tail, abdomen: Duck flank, dyed olive, or natural
Wing: deer hair
Hackle: dun, tan or grizzly
Head: brown fine dubbing
1. Thread the hook and then prepare the duck flank feather as shown then “reverse wing” it. 

2. Tie the reversed duck flank feather in at the mid point of the hook.

3. Select a small bunch of deer hair, stack it, then tie it in with several wraps. Leave the waste portion of the hair pointing forward. It will be cut away in the last step. 

4. Wrap the hackle over the thread wraps of the deer hair. Tie in.

5. Pull back the deer hair ends at the head, dub the head, tie off with a whip finish. Cut the deer hair waste ends.

Tied by Wally Nowak

This fly can be varied in size and colour. On the water it was taken by flying swallows twice. By the trout, many more times